X Wallet好唔好?借貸產品、利息、申請手續一覽|Finance01

    2024-09-27 15:19

    X Wallet免TU即批會否有伏? 推出X Wallet的公司為Zero Finance 「零在金融香港有限公司」, 持有放債人牌照(號碼: 1064/2022)。 而X Wallet之所以可以做到極速批核的原因,是因為Zero Finance 投放更多資源在技術開發, t在審批時 基於大數據系統進行電腦分析,即使免TU ...

    x wallet免tu

    X-wallet 網上貸款集中討論post (1) - 我愛袁澧林 | LIHKG 討論區

    Q: 咩係無現金借貸? A: 用app申請完,X-wallet直接FPS條數俾你 Q: 有冇額外手續費? A: 冇,無論你申請成功/拒絕/取消都冇任何收費 Q: 最少借幾多?幾時要還? A: 低至$1000都可以借,隨時還 Q: 借完可以做啲咩? A: 交稅/買2800/All in TQQQ都得,隨你啦 Q: 有冇隱藏收費? A: 冇,你借錢嗰下有得睇要還 ...

    X Wallet- A.I. Loan & BNPL APP - Apps on Google Play

    X Wallet is now fully upgraded with 2 major functions: X Lend (loan) and X Pay (payment). X Lend offers a range of products designed to meet your financial needs conveniently. "X Cash.AI" provides a quick 5-second approval process, ensuring you get the funds you require without any delays. For more flexibility, "X Loan" offers a repayment ...

    X Wallet 秒批私人貸款 | 5秒即批、免入息證明 - MoneySmart.hk

    HK$1,000現金回贈將於推廣期結束後4 - 6星期內,回贈金額將會經系統結算後發放於X Wallet內,並發送訊息通知客戶回贈。 在確認合約當日起計90天內,賬戶必須保持正常活躍狀態(逾期還款、壞賬等一律被視為不正常的賬戶),且每日貸款結欠需維持已批貸款額HK ...

    【X Wallet App 全新形象 】 X Wallet App 全面 ... - Facebook

    X Wallet App 全新形象 】 X Wallet App 全面升級,由 X Lend A.I. 5 秒閃批,到 X Pay 先買後付,一 App在手,為你實現 X 個可能! 立即下載 X Wallet App,同 Mandy Tam @tmh_xd 一齊向夢想進發! *X Wallet...

    Home - Zero Finance offers loans to meet your needs for diverse ...

    X Debt Consolidation Loan. Zero Finance's professional team provides you with a customized "Debt Consolidation Loan plan".The application process is simple. All card and loan balances are paid off in one way, it gives you the flexibility to use your cash and helps you improve your TU Report Rating. Know More

    下載 X Wallet APP以繼續申請X Wallet私人貸款 - Zero Finance

    下載 X Wallet APP以繼續申請X Wallet私人貸款. 請使用行動裝置掃瞄以下二維碼, 點撃頁面上的App Store / Play Store 下載 X Wallet APP以繼續申請X Wallet私人貸款 。.

    X 現金A.I.貸款 Zero Finance 貸款 2024年 獨家優惠 | HongKongCard.com

    本優惠計劃只適用於X Wallet新客戶在推廣期內首次成功批核X 現金A.I.貸款,或在確認貸款合約當日的12個月內沒有貸款賬戶的客戶。 「新客戶」是指新賬戶之所有賬戶持有人,於開戶前 12 個月內未曾持有X Wallet之任何類型賬戶。


    X Wallet 為全港首個A.I.秒批備用現金及付款手機程式,備有X Lend及X Pay付款2大功能。 X Lend產品涵蓋「X 現金A.I.貸款」 5秒閃批,循環貸款助你 ...

    X Wallet: X Cash.AI & X Pay 4+ - App Store

    X Wallet 為全港首個A.I.秒批備用現金及付款手機程式,備有X Lend及X Pay付款2大功能。 X Lend產品涵蓋「X 現金A.I.貸款」 5秒閃批,循環貸款助你以備不時之需:「X大額私人貸款」還款期長達72個月,讓你靈活運用資金,速達成目標:「X結餘轉戶計劃」貸款額高達月薪25倍,助你一次過輕鬆還清所…


    免信貸報告貸款(免TU貸款)特色. 申請私人貸款時,通常除了遞交收入證明、住址證明及身份證明文件等證明文件外,貸款機構還會查閱借款人的信貸報告,以批出貸款金額、實際年利率及其他條款。. TU信貸評分是銀行審批貸款的其中一項重要指標,G級或以下的TU「爛grade」申請人,基本上已頗難 ...

    X walxxx 借錢其實有冇伏 - 金融服務 Finance - 香港討論區 Discuss.com.hk - 香討.香港 No.1

    引用: 原帖由 cakehang 於 2020-1-13 01:01 PM 發表. 唔伏,TU財,息平鬆手批得快. ching你8厘息係跟得上銀行個息口添. 但你要注意佢個形式似循環貸款,即係愈早還愈少息,愈遲還愈多息. 借3萬 如果第24期先還清(所有本金)既就$4800利息,一年2400利息. UID. 6593660.

    X Wallet: A.I. Loan & BNPL APP 4+ - App Store

    X Wallet is the 1st A.I. Express Loan App in HK, only 3 simple steps from application to loan approval: (1) Hong Kong ID card verification, (2) Instant A.I. approval within 5 seconds, (3) Cash transfer and repay by FPS. Give you a 100% automated lending experience, without face-to-face throughout the whole process, no manual input, supporting ...

    常見問題 - Zero Finance

    X Wallet是由Zero Finance開發的手機應用程式,真正零人手全自動貸款,打破傳統的信貸行業。 操作非常容易,只需提供香港身份證,無需收入證明,完成3個簡易步驟,就能以大數據結合機器學習技術批核申請,只需5秒就有結果。

    如何使用 X Pay|先買後付|下載 X Wallet App

    使用 X Pay 先買後付將消費免息分三期付款,享受友和、Suning、6IXTY8IGHT 和 Charles & Keith 等超過200個商戶的額外優惠!立即下載 X Wallet App。

    24小時貸款App|貸款App比較 + MoneyHero獨家申請優惠

    24小時貸款App是甚麼?. 貸款App是具備借貸服務的手機應用程式,由申請貸款、遞交文件、批核結果、簽約到過數,大多數能在手機貸款App內一站式完成。. 經手機貸款App申請過程可短至幾分鐘,一般只需幾個步驟,如輸入基本個人資料、申請金額、還款期、工作 ...

    X-wallet借錢即日批唔批到? | 香港信用卡討論區

    見到佢有迎新優惠,免頭14日息有冇試過會唔會過好耐先批到? ... 應急應該最快係 X wallet啦,apps搞申請到批出黎,我諗半粒鐘至1粒鐘就打到錢去你戶口 ...

    X Pay 先買後付 | Buy Now Pay Later|免息分三期 買得更自在

    X Pay 是 X Wallet App 中的一個支付服務,提供先買後付(Buy Now Pay Later)的付款功能,讓你可以輕鬆分三期免息付款,並支持多卡綁定,你可以自由選擇綁定不同的信用卡或借記卡完成同一筆消費。. 通過X Pay 先買後付(Buy Now Pay Later)付款,即可把消費款項自動 ...

    交稅慳息慳時間 X Wallet零人手貸款App 15秒閃批即過數

    成立於2014年,X Wallet是Zero Finance旗下全自動貸款產品。Zero Finance除了是香港持牌放債人公會及香港財務專業協會的會員,持有合法放債人牌照外,亦是添利工業國際(集團)有限公司(港交所編號: 0093)的全資子公司。 了解更多有關X Wallet: https://www.zerofinance.hk ...

    X Pay 常見問題

    X Pay 是由全港首個A.I. 秒批貸款 X Wallet App 中的一個支付選項,提供先買後付的功能,你可自由及靈活選擇消費模式,購買產品或服務後無需預先支付全額款項。 ... 分期付款計劃通常涉及利息和逾期還款的費用,而 X Pay 是全期免息的。 ...

    X World Wallet - Get More With The X World Wallet

    The X World Wallet Account is a multi-currency debit account with a rewards program. The debit account is provided by Texas First Bank, Member FDIC on behalf of the program manager, Ouro International, Inc. which is a financial technology company. Funds held in US Dollars are insured by FDIC. Foreign currencies in your account are held outside ...

    X Wallet

    X-Wallet enables users to store, send, and receive a wide range of cryptocurrencies. The wallet is designed to support multiple tokens, including popular cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other ERC-20 tokens, as well as various altcoins. Its user-friendly interface makes it suitable for both beginners and experienced users.

    Overwatch® 2: Pink Mercy Skin on Steam

    About This Content Honor a heroic cause - Pink Mercy has returned! Purchase the limited-time Pink Mercy skin to join the guardian angel of Overwatch in championing the Breast Cancer Research Foundation.

    18 best men's wallets of 2024 | CNN Underscored

    A good men's wallet is more than just a way to carry cash and cards. It's also a way to show off your personal style, whether you want a hard-wearing leather wallet with a patina or a clean ...

    ORCA cards now available in Google Wallet | king5.com

    New adult cards can be added to the virtual wallet at the same cost as purchasing a new card, $3. >> Download KING 5+, our Roku, Amazon Fire or Apple TV app to watch live coverage 24/7 .

    Your $5 bill in your wallet could be worth thousands if it has ... - UNILAD

    Teen catches wallet with $2k inside while fishing and returns it to its owner; OnlyFans star is horrified after discovering she has a tax bill worth $176,000; Choose your content: 12 hours ago. 13 hours ago. 12 hours ago. Jake Gyllenhaal praised for his acting in new series that's 'definitely an emotional roller coaster'

    OKX Wallet Hosts X Spaces Session on Modular Chains

    The X Spaces session featured distinguished guests from OKX Ventures, Lumoz, Polygon and D Square Labs, who shared their expert insights and contributed to a rich discourse around modular chains. Modular chains are a burgeoning field in the blockchain sector, allowing developers to break down the system into smaller, more manageable pieces ...

    香港AI借貸先鋒,開啟金融科技新時代 - Zero Finance X Wallet

    2023.06.29. 零在金融香港有限公司 Zero Finance 旗下X Wallet (全港首個A.I.秒批貸款App) 藉其領先市場的A.I.科技優勢,繼續針對年輕人的需求和金融習慣,於今年6月初首推全新「先買後付」功能X PAY,為本地消費者提供創新的購物體驗。. 「先買後付」消費模式在後疫情 ...

    Google Wallet: How to reset the app and remove app data - Android Police

    Please verify your email address. Setting up Google Wallet provides convenience, security, and, in some ways, freedom. Many Android phones, like Samsung smartphones and Pixel phones, have Google ...

    CryptoWallet.com - Buy, Sell, and Spend Crypto Easily

    Cryptowallet.com is more than just a wallet. It's a bank account that allows you to make crypto powered SEPA transfers, pay utility bills, and spend hundreds of cryptocurrencies like fiat with our Crypto Card. Create multi-currency crypto wallets on various blockchain networks including ERC20, TRC20, BNB Smart Chain and more. Sign up